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Adding Holiday Greenery to Chandeliers

Today, we’re sharing how to add holiday greenery to chandeliers!

Recently, I shared how to create a holiday spray and I got a few questions about adding greenery to chandeliers as well.

So, I figured it was the perfect time to update this post.

Truthfully, using greenery, plants, or flowers when decorating for the holidays is an easy and budget-friendly way to create a festive and transitional look from one season to the next.

I know there are a lot of mixed reviews on social media right now about how early is too early to start decorating for Christmas.

There is definitely something to be said for “being present” in all holidays and not rushing through Thanksgiving just to get to Christmas.

But I completely understand wanting to enjoy your holiday decorations for as long as possible.

Especially, this year.

Several years ago, I learned how to dress up the chandeliers in our home with greenery after seeing them in the premiere issue of The Magnolia Journal.

For some reason, it always looked super complicated.

I love how festive having lots of greenery makes a home feel during the holidays though, so I decided to try it myself.

Truthfully, it was so much easier than I expected.

And bonus, I’ve even figured out a faux version to share with you as well!

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to add holiday greenery to the chandeliers in your home too…

Holiday Chandelier Greenery Supplies:

You can pick up faux plants, dried greenery, long grasses or use what you have in your yard to add holiday greenery to your chandeliers.

If you choose to bring something inside from your yard, you’ll need to make sure it has been well cleaned and is free from any pests prior to using it in your chandelier.

Be sure to also have fishing line, twine, or floral wire on hand to help secure the stems once you’re finished.

Holiday Chandelier Greenery Steps Using Real Greenery:

Gather your supplies.

The amount of greenery you will need to create a festive holiday greenery chandelier will depend entirely on how big your chandelier is.

And also, how full you want the greenery so keep that in mind.

Be sure your chandelier is clean and free from dirt and debris.

Using caution and care alternate and layer the stems through the base of each chandelier arm.

Be sure to keep all stems and leaves away from the chandelier bulbs because you don’t want to inadvertently create a fire hazard.

Make sure the greenery or floral stems you choose are not too heavy and can be fully supported by your chandelier.

Keep tucking and layering stems until you’ve achieved a look you love.

Properly secure holiday greenery with clear fishing string or floral wire as needed. You don’t want any stems coming loose or falling into your tablescape.

Depending on the type of greenery you chose you may need to mist stems to keep them looking fresh or water stems by using floral tubes.

Using Faux Greenery:

If you don’t have access to fresh greenery, you can definitely use this same technique to add faux greenery to your chandelier.

In fact, it’s actually a lot easier.

My biggest tip is to use a garland that looks and feels real, has some flexibility, and already has a layered look.  That way you aren’t having to add extra stems to your holiday greenery chandelier.

I picked up several of these cedar garlands from Michaels last year and have been using them all over the house.

This one is great because it bends very easily.

I was able to cut the garland in half using floral clippers and then carefully weave it in and out of the chandelier arms.

I’m working on some snowflakes now to add to the greenery so I’ll share it as soon as I’m finished.

Our decorations are super simple this year – mostly greenery and white lights – which I’m really excited about it.

Let us know how you’re adding holiday greenery to chandeliers or keeping it simple this year.  Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Many blessings,


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  1. Great idea Coco! At any rate we could all probably clean our chandeliers. My husband always says it’s part of our Halloween decor. Now that Halloween has past, they need to be cleaned and adding a little Christmas sounds perfect.

    1. ha ha yes, Nancy, every bit helps especially in the cleaning department! Greenery is an easy way to bridge the gap between Thanksgiving and Christmas 🙂 Hugs, CoCo

    1. Thanks so much ladies! It was so easy to put together too! Hugs, CoCo

  2. This is great, CoCo! We have similar chandy’s so I can envision mine dressed up next month. Thank you!


    1. I appreciate you, Jane! I can’t wait to see how your chandy turns out. Hugs, CoCo

  3. Great job Coco and it looks so pretty. Decorating early for Christmas is something we all to share ideas and DIY’S for our blogs.

    I don’t worry about others decorating early or not.

    Love it!


    1. ha ha I love your attitude, Cindy! I usually try to decorate all in a weekend because I have all my ideas together and ducks in a row but this year trying to finish the shed makeover totally threw my off. I’m definitely taking an S-L-O-W approach this year. Love everything you’ve shared so far sweet friend. Hugs, CoCo

  4. I have tried to use greens in my chandeliers over the years. Sometimes they don’t turn out really pretty. But I will keep trying. Yours look so pretty.

    1. Thanks so much, Claudia! It took a bit of practice for me too. It made all the difference when I realized the garland or greenery picks had to be flexible and have a bit of drape. Also being able to fan the garland out helps to cover any holes, which I definitely have at times 🙂 Hope your day is a fun one, CoCo

  5. I love how something so simple can change a space so dramatically! Each option you shared is just gorgeous! You can add a touch of elegance or farmhouse charm depending on what greenery you choose! Thank you so much for the inspiration, CoCo!

    1. You are so welcome, Christine! We’re keeping it super simple this year and while greenery can be temperamental at times, it really does help to create an extra special statement for the entire holiday season. Sometimes I wish we could leave it up all year 🙂 Big hugs, CoCo

  6. This is perfect. Thank you so much! We moved last year to a new (to us) house, and we have chandeliers in both the kitchen and the dining room. I have been wanting to add greenery this holiday season, but wasn’t sure exactly what would work best. So, thank you for the tips!

    1. You are so welcome, Amy, and congratulations on your new place. I hope you’re able to make lots of special memories there. Blessings on your day, CoCo

  7. Adding greenery to chandeliers has always seemed difficult to me so I’ve never tried it. Your tutorial takes the fear out of it. Although your live greenery is gorgeous, artificial seems to be a decorate-it-and-forget-it approach that is more my style. I forget to water my poinsettias during the holidays so I am sure dried leaves would start falling all over my dinner table from neglected live stems. You have a wonderful decorating stye and I always get great ideas from your posts. Thank you & Happy Holidays! ~Kristi

  8. Such great tips and it looks just lovely. Thanks for sharing with us at Charming Homes and Gardens Link Party!


    1. Thank you so much, Rachel, I really appreciate it! Hugs, CoCo

  9. Wow CoCo, that’s really clever to use a garland of faux greenery. I just know if I used the real greenery I’d probably have a creepy crawly in there too – lol. Love this!
    Thanks you for sharing your holiday greenery chandeliers at Create, Bake, Grow & Gather this week. I’m delighted to be featuring this post at tonight’s party and pinning too.
    Merry Christmas,

  10. Love your chandelier all decked out with its greenery, faux or fresh-cut!! You know, when we were in our last house and in the trailers, I always swagged greenery through each of those chandeliers, but this year, I haven’t even donned it yet… Not sure what I want to put up there (really would like to cheat and just maneuver a fully made wreath in and over each arm… 😉 Our tree isn’t even decorated except for its lights… It’s one of those years! Oh, I featured your post this week (SYS #284) but I think you already know. 😀

    Enjoy your beautiful holiday home! Love your kitchen and the built-in china hutch,
    Barb 🙂

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